Thursday, November 12, 2009
Halloween Adventures...
So, this year for Halloween, Dresden decided that he would be Indiana Jones, Aryana decided on Dorothy, and Gaby was Ariel... It was quite the crew. I decided last minute that I would be a witch, and when I told the kids, they were very concerned that I was going to be a bad witch... (maybe you get the pink now....) Kyle... just had some fun spraying the hair! So, here are some pictures. I wish there were more, but I am sure that you all know how that goes :D

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pumpkins, Witches & Earwigs... Oh My!
Here are a couple pictures of pumpkin carving... I guess you could say. We didn't really get many pictures this year.. It was a crazy, busy night! (Left to Right) Mine turned out to be a "Hippie Pumpkin", Kyles uuummm, not really sure???, Aryanas has a pumpkin and a bow, and Gabys has Flowers and Hearts. Oh Yeah, me and Dresden had to share, because his was a bit rotten! Oops...

Oh Yeah, Earwigs!!! So, Gaby and Aryana both just got a new pair of them... Any guesses???
Yep, According to Miss Gabryella... they are Earwigs!!! I love it! Well, I will post some pictures after Halloween of the fun costumes... I hope to see many pics of cute little kidlings! I love You all, and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
Oh Yeah, Earwigs!!! So, Gaby and Aryana both just got a new pair of them... Any guesses???
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Pete and Repeat!
As of today, this is Aryana's new favorite thing to say a million times in a row...
Ary: Pete and Repeat were sitting in a tree; Pete fell out. Who was left?
Mom: Repeat.
Ary: Okay, I'll repeat it!!!
And on and on and on... I think you get it..
Just a fun little blurb... I like to write down the little things so I don't forget them. Until the next one... I hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying life!
Ary: Pete and Repeat were sitting in a tree; Pete fell out. Who was left?
Mom: Repeat.
Ary: Okay, I'll repeat it!!!
And on and on and on... I think you get it..
Just a fun little blurb... I like to write down the little things so I don't forget them. Until the next one... I hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying life!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Finally Some Pics!!
Okay, so I just wanted to post some pictures since it has definitely been a while.. I am borrowing Kyles computer while he is sleeping! These are not in any specific order, just random fun pics!!! I hope everyone is doing well, and getting ready for winter... I know I am! Already!!! There is a chance of it snowing this week??? That is just craziness. Love You all!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Cool News!!
Okay, so I was sitting at a friends house today when I got a call from the school... I was a little worried that something might be wrong, because I never get calls from the school. Well, nothing was wrong, and the receptionist at the office called to tell me that Aryana won a Nintendo DS!!! Can you believe it??? I didn't think in a million years that we would actually win!
We went to open house the other night, and I bought Dres and Ary both 2 raffle tickets and they chose whether they wanted to try and win an IPOD, or a DS... Since they don't really even know what an IPOD is, they chose the DS (since Dres has been saving his money up to buy one)! I was so excited! I made sure to tell the kids that if one of them won it, it was a "Family DS". Yeah, we will se how things go?!?
We went to open house the other night, and I bought Dres and Ary both 2 raffle tickets and they chose whether they wanted to try and win an IPOD, or a DS... Since they don't really even know what an IPOD is, they chose the DS (since Dres has been saving his money up to buy one)! I was so excited! I made sure to tell the kids that if one of them won it, it was a "Family DS". Yeah, we will se how things go?!?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Satan and Middle Fingers???
Okay, so ever since Dresden came home from school last year, and let the girls know that the "middle finger" means something bad, Gaby is fascinated with the idea... Well, she is always talking about it, even though she has no idea what it means... thank heavens! She just knows it is something bad! Well, we are walking through the shampoo isle at Target yesterday, and if you know Gaby at all, you know that she pretty much hollers everything she says!!! So, next thing you know, she hollers, "Mom, we can put our middle finger up at Satan though, because Satan is BAD!" Okay, you can imagine, that I kinda wanted to laugh and hide at the same time! I obviously told her that it was never okay to do that to anyone, even if they are not a nice person! Oh My Goodness... They sure do spin me for a loop!!!
First Day of School!!!
Okay, so our first day of school was not like any other.. I am sure! To start off Aryana starts school the next day! Here goes! To start things off, I decided that I would go to bed nice and early so that I could get up in the morning early and get myself ready before the kids even woke up! Ha.. my brain was not having it! I laid there for probably an hour and a half before actually going to sleep. Let me tell you that when my alarm went off in the morning, I was feeling quite bitter, and not at all how I had imagined! Well, I managed. I got up, got in the shower, got Dresden dressed . Got them breakfast, and Oh, I forgot to mention that Gaby has a doctors appointment at 10:45! Why did I do that? Don't ask! So, I am making Dresden lunch for school and I realize that his lunch box is no where to be found! Of course! So, I tell him that I will bring his lunch to school when I find his lunchbox. Well, never did... So, I take Dresden to school and on the way home, Aryana and I stop at Target for a new lunchbox. We come home, I put his lunch in the new box, put it in the fridge, and figure I will leave early for the Doctor, and take Dres his lunch. Well, I sit down for a minute, (okay, it was more than a minute) and read something that says Doctor! O Crap! Gabys appointment, was at 10:45 and it is now 11:00! So, I call and make sure I am good... I throw some clothes on Gaby, toss the girls in the car and as I am haulin' you know what to the Doctors, I remember that I forgot to take Dresden his lunch! Wow! Could things get any worse? Ok, so I call Kyle who is sleeping because he "works the night shift" if you know what I mean! That is no use... So I call Mandy (my sister) and ask her to look up the schools phone number online! I call the school to find out what time he has lunch. 11:50. Okay, it is 11:10 at this point and there is no way that I am going to go in, wait, see the doctor, go home, get the lunch and manage to get it there in 40 minutes! Yeah Right! So, we go inside the Doctors office, and I wish I had known that it was GERIATRIC DAY at the Doctors! HaHa! It was not funny at the time! So we sit there and wait for a few minutes and cannot take it anymore, so I tell the receptionist that I have to reschedule, and again... wait for it..... toss the girls in the car, drive (fly) home, run inside, grab the lunch, and hop back in the car and Aryana goes "That was Fast!" So, I am driving to the school, getting stopped at every light possible, and I finally get to the school at 11:50, park in the front "NO PARKING" zone, and run in the front door, and as I fun throught the front door... you can't guess who was walking past me on his way to the lunch room??? Yep, Dresden was right in front of me!!! I flung his lunchbox at him, and I don't really think he understood how I just appeared in front of him!!! I gave him a kiss and walked out the door, back to the car and sat there and took a deep breath! I think I might have been holding my breath the whole time!?!? I am sorry that I do not have any pictures of this joyous day, but they are all very vivid in my mind!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Don't Blink!
Well, once again, it has been a while since I was on here! Things have been pretty busy this summer, with Kyle attending school online, running his own business, spending time together, and everything else that life throws at us! There is way too much to catch up on, so let me just say that all is going well, and the kids are growing so fast! Here are some pictures that were taken in Idaho at my Grandmas house in May!
I can't believe how big the kids are getting! I told Kyle that this is the first summer in 6 years that I haven't had to worry about diapers, pullups, swimmers, nothing like that! It is awesome!!! We went to the swimming pool with some friends the other day, and the kids had a lot of fun. Gaby was scared, but we are going to get the kids in swimming lessons this August! That should help! Well, I hope that everyone is doing well, and I will hopefully be posting again really soon!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
MUSCLES (not the good kind!)
Holy Moley! So Ary, Gaby and I took a trip to the doctor today for a little check up! I knew that they were probably going to need some S-H-O-T-S, but I was trying to keep my mouth shut as long as possible, and for good reason... I found out about later! Well, it was time, and it turns out that Ary needs 4 and Gaby needs 1. Ary kept her cool, until she heard Gaby cry, and then "it" hit the fan, if you know what I mean! That is where the "muscles" come in to play... I could not pry her little legs from the chair, and the nurses had to help me... two of them to be exact! I finally got her on the table, and she was kicking her feet and screaming at me, so hard that she actually broke blood vessels in her face! Yeah, so that was my adventure for the day! I have never seen a fit quite like that one, and I hope and pray that I never to again... (who am I fooling?) So, now that I have had my little vent session, I believe that I will be able to function! Thanks to all of you who "listened" to that mess! Until next time...
Monday, March 30, 2009
March Madness!!!
Aryana just had her 5th Birthday, and she is so funny. She is convinced that because she is 5 now, she can do so many more things by herself. For example, man those bananas were sure hard to open when she was 4, but now that she is 5, piece of cake! It seems that she also knows how to work the T.V. better now as well! I love the big 5!!! She had a wonderful birthday, and had lots of fun with her friends.

The first present that she opened on her birthday was her box from Grandma Karen! She was so excited! She got to wear her beautiful dress, and as you can see, she had a lot of fun modeling with her princess "bucket" as she calls it! She wore some of her new perfume to church too! Thank You Grandma!!!

Here are the princess dresses that Nana and Papa sent! She has been wanting a Belle dress for some time now, she was so excited, as you can tell she was modeling that as well! She did not want to share, but eventually Gaby did get a turn! Thank You Nana and Papa!

Here are some pictures of her birthday party! She had a few friends over and she had a fun butterfly party! She wanted her cake to be a butterfly, so I did my best! I feel like it turned out pretty dang good! It didn't taste too shabby either! Thank You Grandma and Grandpa Allred and Grandma and Grandpa Gibson for the money!! I am sure we will find something way fun!

The first present that she opened on her birthday was her box from Grandma Karen! She was so excited! She got to wear her beautiful dress, and as you can see, she had a lot of fun modeling with her princess "bucket" as she calls it! She wore some of her new perfume to church too! Thank You Grandma!!!

Here are the princess dresses that Nana and Papa sent! She has been wanting a Belle dress for some time now, she was so excited, as you can tell she was modeling that as well! She did not want to share, but eventually Gaby did get a turn! Thank You Nana and Papa!

Here are some pictures of her birthday party! She had a few friends over and she had a fun butterfly party! She wanted her cake to be a butterfly, so I did my best! I feel like it turned out pretty dang good! It didn't taste too shabby either! Thank You Grandma and Grandpa Allred and Grandma and Grandpa Gibson for the money!! I am sure we will find something way fun!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Sick kids & Tired Mom!!!

So, it has been a stinkin' long time since I have posted! Two months to be exact! Well, not much going on, other than looking at homes and trying to figure out what we are going to do. I think that we might end up renting for a while, and see where things go from there.
February was a fast month, it seems like it was over in no time! So, Dresden got sick last Friday, and has been out of school for a whole week. Hopefully he will be back at school on Monday. Gaby caught the bug too, and she is finally past the fever part of it, and is on to the nasty runny nose bit! Definitely ready for all of this to be done! Gaby has been getting up at least once every night, sometimes 2. I am feeling tired, but thankful that I am not catching anything!
I am really tired of the snow, but have to tell you that I would take it over the constant snow, any day of the week! :o) The weather has been really cold, but we have been having a lot of really gorgeous sunny days, so that definitely helps... along with the tanning bed!!!
I hope all is going well for everyone! We miss you all! Hopefully my next post will be sooner rather than later! Here are some fun pictures of the kids!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Our Winter Wonderland!!!

Wow, it sure has been a long time since I have posted! Things have been pretty busy around here, and when I do get on the computer, I don't exactly feel like posting. We have so much stinkin' snow right now, that I am feeling a bit bitter. After tanning, and the sunshine today, I am in better spirits... I am praying for summer which I know is a long ways away, but I really can't wait to totally enjoy Montana! I can't wait to go fishing, and camping, and not freeze my tush off!
The kids are doing great. Dres loves school and has been counting down the days until he gets to go back (since he got out)! Ary is doing great and she is really excited to start school up again too. Gaby is growing so fast and following quickly in her brother and sister's footsteps! Sometimes good, sometimes not so good!
We sure do miss everyone back in Washington, and hope you are all doing very well this winter season!
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